The government of Italy has rejected the request and, in response, indicated that it may seek damages for historic grievances.
There was plenty of heat as Arabs and Israelis recited their angry, historic grievances.
Instead of emphasizing historic grievances, Seoul now tries to draw Pyongyang toward cooperation.
Their behavior has forfeited the sympathy Chechnya's historic grievances once enjoyed among Russian liberals.
"If conscience was the only factor, a whole lot of Indian land might be given back based on historic grievances."
The first is a historic grievance kept festering by the retelling.
Legal experts warn that suits involving other historic grievances may not lead to settlements as quickly as some of the Holocaust cases.
But it will address some historic grievances and promote the use of politics, rather than violence, to solve the rest.
They find some of the historic grievances hollow, and aims carrying prescriptions that would be destructive.
Mexico has an historic grievance against the United States that is felt deeply by her people.