The vault in the library contains many historic manuscripts, letters, and documents pertaining to the history of New Harmony.
A few decades and more than a million manuscript pages later, the Karpeleses have amassed the largest private collection of historic manuscripts in the world.
During the editing he became accustomed with historic manuscripts stored in Vatican - some of them not readily accessible until modern times.
As senior vice president, he normally is Sotheby's expert on such historic manuscripts as George Washington's inaugural eve letter to a friend.
Traditional books and historic manuscripts written in Tibetan style, on handmade paper bound between wooden flats and tied together are also preserved here.
By this time he had also acquired the American Play Company, which owned several thousand historic literary manuscripts.
Sir Henry James continued using his photozincographic process to preserve historic manuscripts.
Vaduz is said to be mentioned in historic 12th-century manuscripts as Farduzes.
She also had a growing collection of historic manuscripts and maps, some of which dated from before the Revolutionary War.
Of the 130,000 historic manuscripts in Istanbul, Mr. Balcioglu estimated, 30,000 need restoration.