Orange officials said they expect the town to prevail and be part of a historic ruling that could help kill cigarette vending machines once and for all.
That is why she started a legal action that led to an historic ruling in the House of Lords two years ago.
His Speakership was notable for the number of tie-breaking votes he was required to make as well as for making several historic rulings.
The case resulted in a historic ruling against the oil giant, who was ordered to pay $18 billion in damages to the plaintiffs.
On 13 December 2006, the Bushmen won a historic ruling in their long-running court case against the government.
On November 7, 1955, in a historic ruling, the Commission condemned 'separate but equal' in the field where it had begun-public transportation.
Mr. Ballmer's previous visit to Brussels was weeks before the historic antitrust ruling in March last year.
The jury found Jennings guilty, the Illinois Supreme Court upheld his conviction in a historic ruling, and he was later hanged.
ELSPA, the organisation that represents the video games industry, also hailed the historic ruling.
His influence was clear in the most important case of the term, the historic ruling striking down the military tribunals at the Guantánamo Bay detention camp.