Much land has been set aside for natural protection, with recreational and historical considerations.
Such historical considerations clearly figure in the caution being shown by Turkey.
The range in each book is impressive - from short lyrics to longer discursive poems, which move from personal life to historical and political considerations.
In cases where no particular name arises from geometrical or historical considerations, the name of a star is used instead.
Political Economy approaches the study of public affairs by incorporating economic, political, social, and historical considerations in the analysis.
These people talk of historical considerations to justify themselves--- "So do you."
Such recreation of structure was inseparable from historical considerations.
Do we, by reason of "historical" considerations, have any rights to the strip on which the hedge is located?
However, the attribution to the Venetian painter is now generally regarded as wrong, due to pictorial and historical considerations.
However, there are geographical and historical considerations and political goals that a country must share in order to become a Member of the Union.