Still, the choice of this Webern score created an odd impression of where Webern stands in the historical continuum.
If the movie suggests a historical continuum, it sensibly doesn't allow its scholarship to cut into the performances.
He rightly pounces on synchronicity, and on ways of linking one character to the next, or to the historical continuum of which each is inevitably a part.
Worse than that: it wasn't simply a victory or a vessel at stake, but the stability of the historical continuum itself.
They fit too easily into this historical continuum and feed off of it.
As visitors can glean from the center's permanent exhibition, "A Portable Homeland," Yiddish is part of a historical continuum.
The ever changing technologies and potentials of war extend along a historical continuum.
He consequently appears to live in a continuous present, not a shapely historical continuum of time.
There is a debate about whether the classical, medieval, and modern republics form a historical continuum.
"There's a historical continuum that's been in place since the 1880's," Mr. Bahlman noted.