The historical focus is supplied by the reader, who understands, as the victims cannot, the magnitude of the enveloping evil.
This building is especially notable because of the institution's "historical focus on engineering and agriculture".
Answer: Our historical focus has been to go after specific large-enterprise accounts.
The regenerated Market place is now a central historical focus within the town and reflects events during its eight hundred year history.
"Random flight would have taken them to many parts of the world, far from the centers of historical focus."
In one sense, the strategy reflects the union's historical focus on immigrant workers and their communities, he said.
The historical focus on insurance policies detracted from a clear, coherent and consolidated picture of a single customer's loss experience.
Despite the recession, and Apple's historical focus on the higher end of the market, the company continues to thrive.
A historical focus on perfecting manufacturing and engineering techniques has also overshadowed design.
For undergraduates; mathematically gentle with a strong historical focus.