They also help provide a historical framework to current practices and understanding of how the electoral system has evolved from 1979 to today.
This world system and its evolution are seen as providing a historical framework, an account of world history.
In part this difference can be ascribed to the historical framework.
Using a historical framework, she argues migration and the state play a role in the production of conflict among Yalaltecans.
Still used by archaeologists, it went only part of the way towards providing a historical framework for archaeological evidence, however.
Still, the book is valuable for placing radio within a cultural and historical framework.
Putting that vision right side up again is supposed to enable us also to place the "final solution" in its proper historical framework.
They are not content with a critical assessment of the situation confined to an historical (and, accordingly, a theoretical) framework.
The major alterations in the historical framework occur in the first half of the book.
The citizens want to decide themselves whether they will hand over their sovereign rights to a European super-state without a democratic or historical framework.