But no, the Court turned away from the larger issue of principle for the sake of overcoming a narrow historical injustice.
Even more important, her daughter Charlène said, the traveling exhibition would tell the world "about a historical injustice put right."
I get incensed at this historical linguistic injustice every time I look up the phrase.
"When all is said and done, who are they to decide that historical injustices should play second fiddle to the problems on the farms?"
Not all the artists have managed to convert their sense of historical injustice into art.
You say black people need affirmative action to overcome historical injustice?
Some argue that oppression is only a result of past historical injustices and will work itself out naturally.
He has almost no interest in popular culture and his conspiracy theories tend to focus on historical injustice rather than sinister cabals.
Bolivia, the heart of South America, has no access to the sea as a result of an historical injustice.
India's overall economic growth has produced the fastest and most significant socio-economic changes to the historical injustice to its minorities.