The movie is all set in the backdrop of the real historical milieu and is produced under the banner of RPPL and is directed by Rupesh Paul.
Opera, for better or worse, is tied to specifics: to narrative, to historical milieu, to language.
Claremont moved the historical milieu from the Hyborian Era to the Roman Empire, and changed her hair from red to silver.
The courses aim to locate philosophy in the context of its historical and cultural milieu, encouraging lively, academic debate, emphasising the interdisciplinary aspects of philosophy.
The date of composition is disputed and is difficult to determine due to the lack of personal information about Obadiah, his family, and his historical milieu.
Massively multiplayer online games depict a wide range of worlds, including those based on fantasy, science fiction, the real world, super heroes, sports, horror, and historical milieus.
To locate a text in a specific historical milieu was only the preoccupation of specialist scholarship.
The historical milieu of sugar industry in the Philippines can be traced back as far as pre-Spanish colonization.
Cultural biography analyzes a subject's historical milieu not as something "out there," on the fringes of personal life-but rather as a dynamic entity constantly infiltrating the subject's psyche and shaping his or her behavior.
Physical reality might count as source material for these purposes, but so might superhero anthologies, or any other literary, cinematic or historical milieu.