Most (pro-) Muslim historical narrations support the idea that there were hardly any interactions.
A conference on historical narration, held in California in 1993, elicited an astonishing array of responses.
The program mixed audio clips and music of earlier times with historical narration, and was broadcast for 32 years until Pickett retired in 2005.
(Gary was jolted back into self-awareness at this point in the historical narration.)
If the religious spirit be ever mentioned in any historical narration, we are sure to meet afterwards with a detail of the miseries which attend it.
From the historical narration, he is no doubt a successful ruler.
But in the last resort all these toys would be just that without a central core of historical narration.
The railway offers free train rides and historical narration to the public on most Sundays.
There is a historical narration about the strongest swordsmen of the time and how swordmanship became a science and evolved.
Thus he compiled the great historical narration called the Mahabharata for women, laborers and friends of the twice-born.