But history couldn't compete with romance; a handful of historical nuggets and a few songs about the land gave way to love songs.
But the most profound conclusion that emerged from the records, Dr. Walsh said, was not the historical nuggets, but the underlying engine that produced them.
The latter hatches characters so fast their faces blur and zips them through multiple adventures, pausing only occasionally to let the former drop in historical and medical nuggets.
Guides point out the miners' bunkhouse and the steam shack and offer historical nuggets about the town's mining days.
Even for those with little interest in Harvard, the calendar offers a wealth of historical nuggets.
"Perilous Statecraft" and "The Iranian Triangle," the latter smoothly translated by Haim Watzman, offer some important historical nuggets.
But on this last third I have constantly used five French sources and five English ones and I think no telling historical nugget in any of them has escaped me.
That and other historical nuggets can be learned from "Fireworks!
Her arguments are ornamented by a richness of esoteric historical nuggets.
The formula is unvarying: British thesp roams at random around sunny foreign clime, dispensing cursory historical nuggets, offering pitying looks to the local poor and declaring everything to be "extraordinary".