The term "play", in African American slang, can mean "cheat" or "swindle", and "the white man" is often a reference by minorities for the perceived historical collective oppression by Caucasians of non-Caucasians.
Vandalism by Crowds "In the aftermath of the disturbance many whites blamed the disturbance on lawless black troublemakers, but blacks pointed to historical oppression and police crowd control tactics as the main source of the disorder," the report said.
During the struggle for political recognition after 1949, it was actually members of these ethnic minorities who campaigned for identification under the umbrella term "Miao"-taking advantage of its familiarity and associations of historical political oppression.
Without glossing over the historical oppression of black people in America, they celebrate the resilient spirit of blacks.
Because of their heterodox beliefs and practices, Alevis have been the target of historical and recent oppression.
Emphasizing historical oppression of Hindus by colonial invaders like the Muslims (see Muslim conquest of the Indian subcontinent) and the Christians and the call to "reverse" the cultural influence resulting from these intrusions.
Feminists differ in their responses to gender-based language differences; some find it "unacceptable," while others argue that the history of such gender-based differences is not tied to historical oppression as in the West.
That, too, can be cast as a story of historical oppression and growing resistance to a nation state that some see as an unwanted fiction.
This concentrated poverty limits opportunities for education and employment, and carries on the historical oppression against native peoples.
It's as if the historical oppression of women justifies all sorts of bad behavior and self-indulgence and a whole new double standard.