But it is also possible to set aside the heavy-handed historical parallel.
Yet the best historical parallel with the gloomy era we have entered may not be the 70s but the 30s.
If you'd like an historical parallel, there's a good one from the Old Earth.
There are historical "parallels" in the 20th Century, just before the beginning of their second great war although one should not draw them too closely.
Not a new situation, for there are ample historical parallels.
"My great teacher used to get upset with me when I made historical parallels," she said.
"I don't think you could find a single historical parallel to this," said Msgr.
And he reached back to the first winter of the cold war for his clinching historical parallel.
Often, as in the case of labor law, there is no exact historical parallel.
In both cases, the magnitude involved was without historical parallel.