This historical patrimony has five large doors and is very well preserved.
The access to projects of sustentability, preservation and valorization of their historical and cultural patrimonies, as Brazilian Constituition.
Valença offers rich historical patrimony that lives in harmony with the picturesque boats on the River Una that divides the city.
The city has a rich historical patrimony.
If things keep this way there will be no historical patrimony for nobody else to see in the future - what a disaster!!
It has beautiful beaches, good climate, the sea, a scenic coastline, and historical patrimony.
From its tumultuous past, the city, perched on a rocky spur, inherited a large historical, religious and urban patrimony, which attracts a lot of tourists.
This University will thoroughly renovate and update the building, as was done with other historical and University patrimony in the past.
The lending of the facilities is absolutely free for the museum and institutions that wish to exhibit their activities or part of the historical or cultural patrimony they treasure".
With its rich historical and artistic patrimony lending the city an especially atmospheric appearance, Carmona has been the setting of numerous films,and continues to attract movie crews.