Goethe's Tasso is very likely to be a pretty fair historical portrait, and that is true tragedy.
The portrait has the traditional French style of military historical portraits made during the 19th century.
What Jefferson did was create a deeply persuasive historical and ethical portrait of a great teacher.
The historical portrait presented in the first four chapters is immediate, evocative and dramatic.
Portrait sculptors are forming from clay the heads and faces of the 42 men based on historical portraits.
It is not that it is an accurate historical portrait.
And while some still strain out the pulp in order to present a smooth historical portrait, others are more inclined to tell all.
"One of the highest forms of art that you could undertake in 1825 was a historical portrait."
The educational aspects of the plan are not helped by historical portraits that rarely rise above stereotypes.
A historical portrait of blacks in the United States between 1850-1950.