Haiti's regional, historical, and ethno-linguistic position is unique for several reasons.
I don't think anyone would really say that Giuliani represented the historical position of the party, but they made a calculated decision about supporting him.
It was famous due to its historical unique position.
It is a historical position of the church that any disciplined theological work calls for the careful use of reason.
Playing, walking, recreation and social events would be restored to their historical position as focal points of street life.
As of October 2008, their data set included over 252 million historical positions.
Understanding, action and appreciation cannot free themselves from the historical position of the interpreter.
It is necessary, therefore, to establish once more the historical position of this revolutionary Marxist thinker.
Scholars who embraced the church's historical positions, however, were more supportive of the book.
Awkwardly, however, this stands in contrast to Microsoft's historical position on the tablet.