This historical remnant caused increasing confusion in multi-national operations and was abolished.
The clans, now Muslim, are historical remnants of the Hindu caste system, and the people in a clan are often closely related.
Due to the relatively numerous remaining heritage buildings and other historical remnants from its early European settlement past, it has been called "perhaps Auckland's most historically conscious place".
Despite of its touristic character, the village has important historical remnants that go back in early history.
The historical remnants of old Aryan Temple.
The palace keeps with it the historical remnants of some important events like the visit of Tipu Sultan with his army.
So even as a historical remnant, perhaps an irrelevant one at that, Hirohito may be the only constant in a society that bears little resemblance to its recent past.
While there are few historical remnants of European existence in the area, there are many artifacts belonging to the Chipewyan and even earlier Talteilei tribes.
It is a historical remnant from the era when wine bottles were free blown using a blowpipe and pontil.
The historical remnants of the town sit on Bureau of Land Management land.