That meant, among other things, exploiting historical rivalries and encouraging a friendly competition for the status of being considered the most generous lender.
During World War I the two countries were allies in the struggle against German forces, leaving to past their historical rivalry.
Los Angeles and San Jose is considered to be one of the most historical rivalries in American soccer.
Island countries have often been the basis of maritime conquest and historical rivalry between other countries.
Anyone familiar with the historical rivalry between these two exchanges will understand how significant a step this is.
Italian society in this period remained highly divided along regional and local sub-societies which often had historical rivalries with each other.
This results from the historical rivalry between the two old towns of Flintshire.
Due to national organization and historical rivalry, certain countries are listed below as individuals, rather than as members of a larger political union.
The Citadel also has historical rivalries with other schools within the state.
This presented a problem due to the historical rivalry between the Hohenzollern and Habsburg dynasties.