They also report more historical psychological trauma than those diagnosed with any other mental illness.
A searching question embodied in the very structure of the film is how a historical trauma like the Armenian catastrophe should be represented in the movies and television.
As if there already weren't enough layers to the film, "Ararat" shows how an 87-year-old historical trauma still reverberates through the lives of contemporary Armenians living on another continent.
The historical traumas and struggles recounted by Hugo gave birth to modern political consciousness.
But in many American Indian communities, it's compounded by limited opportunities, historical trauma and contemporary discrimination.
She understanding being Indian, had personally experienced historical trauma of being assimilated, and had witnessed genocide.
She understood ancestral historical trauma through the tearing apart of Winnebago families, culture, and land.
What sort of message will this city send to the future about the historical trauma it has been living through?
In an attempt to "heal" this historical trauma of oppression, she designs a "medicinal" history that gives centrality to the marginalized, particularly Puerto Rican women.
Its employment of poetic visual language does not aim to convey a sense of self-pity but to transcend the historical traumas that this island has experienced.