"If this is correct, the explanation might lie precisely in the historical uniqueness of the circumstances which produced Yiddish."
They wanted Russia to join the European world, and they were convinced that if Russia valued its historical uniqueness too greatly, it would decline into poverty, backwardness and cultural sterility.
This settlement's historical architectural uniqueness has totally been preserved, and has made the Yıldırım sub-province famous.
In spite of the modest span of 23 meters, the bridge is of great industrial archaeological value, because of its historical and structural uniqueness.
The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission has given landmark status to more than 22,000 buildings, thus protecting them from demolition or alterations that might destroy their historical uniqueness.
An important corollary is to be especially wary of single grand theories based on historical uniqueness - the premise that today we just happen to teeter at the fulcrum of history.
Claims of historical uniqueness found in labels for certain pieces are open to debate, and the provenance of South Asian sculptures - when did they come out of India, and how?
"Anything that has any kind of architectural or historical uniqueness is going to be really attractive to a buyer," Ms. Kelleher said.
Bin Laden's historical uniqueness comes from focusing Islamic resistance on the international level, on the U.S. (139-40).
The distinctive contributions, emphases and the historical uniqueness of all the churches must be preserved.