Nearly all were united in what has been historically called the Powhatan Confederacy.
Originally the ring was used to seal documents, historically called papal briefs.
There are many private parks (historically called "gardens" by the residents) within walking distance of each other.
The town common (historically called the training place), is surrounded by many simple yet graceful old homes.
First formulated in 1968, it was historically called megalomania, and is severe egocentrism.
The decay series of uranium-235 (historically called actino-uranium) has 15 members that ends in lead-207.
Every piece on the program was full of what Western music has historically called dissonance.
The club's supporters were historically called Pitari while an individual was, and is still, known as a pitar.
In Western Canada the equivalent facility was historically called a stopping house.
Few consider the more recent animals historically called "Tarpans" to be genuine wild horses without domestic influence.