Though with the revival many Gormans mistaking added the historically incorrect prefix (O') because they did not know any better.
'Remember, if the congress takes historically incorrect decisions, it will plunge the people into an abyss of confrontation.'
In 2007, there were plans to rebuild the castle in a historically incorrect way and to extend it to a 'spa town' with 3000 beds.
Notwithstanding that confused usage, the phrase "Hobbesian choice" is historically incorrect.
The film contains much historically incorrect material, including a London scene showing Tower Bridge - two hundred years before it was built.
This is as historically incorrect as installing a copper roof on a landmark building where the original one was slate.
Beginning with memoirs published by one of his sons-in-law, the General came to be referred to as "von Riedesel" in American historical writing, but this is historically incorrect.
This is factually and historically incorrect.
These zouaves are supposed to represent the 76th Pennsylvania, but the uniform is historically incorrect.
The modern notion that Europeans were innately immune to bacterial and viral infections is both biologically and historically incorrect.