Incomes increased across the board, and rose sharply for some groups, including households headed by blacks and women, where they have historically lagged.
It also puts a burden on New York City schools, which have historically lagged behind the statewide average on basic test scores.
The larger area has historically lagged behind the rest of the state in terms of economic development.
Conservation policy has historically lagged behind current science all over the world, but at this critical juncture politicians must make the effort to catch up before massive extinctions occur on our planet.
On many college entrance, standardized tests and grades, African Americans have historically lagged behind whites, but some studies suggest that the achievement gap has been closing.
Merrill has historically lagged its peers in return on equity.
Equifax's insurance information unit, the market leader in offering risk data to insurance companies, has historically lagged behind other areas of the company but has recently recovered.
Bonds can provide an income stream and can smooth portfolio volatility, but their performance has historically lagged behind stocks over the long term.
And, he added, New York State has historically lagged behind the nation in job recovery during the eight recessions that preceded the most recent.
The arts have historically both lagged behind and anticipated the present.