At the very least, it is worth trying to keep in mind what is historically verifiable and what the film maker has made up.
Since the issue's come up, though, let's take a look at someone who was historically verifiable and who had a great deal of impact on the fledgling genre in its earliest of days.
Alamo historian Timothy Todish said "there is not a single scene in The Alamo which corresponds to a historically verifiable incident".
Whether this is from the encyclopedic kobudō of Taira, or was a part of Hama Higa to begin with is not historically verifiable.
The origin and nature of what is now known as tai chi is not historically verifiable until around the 17th century.
It is not explicitly explained that this is why the later Kazakhs took the name permanently, but it is the only historically verifiable source of the ethnonym.
The town's first seal was acquired in 1266, and the town had its first historically verifiable mayor in 1311.
The Neolithic Revolution or Neolithic Demographic Transition, sometimes called the Agricultural Revolution, was the world's first historically verifiable revolution in agriculture.
To date, none of these claims is historically verifiable nor widely accepted in academia.
Much of the information on Baiju Bawra is legendary and not historically verifiable.