The alp's history originated in the mountainous regions of Germany and Austria.
The history of the Chilean intelligence services originates in the early nineteenth century, when a Military Secret Service was created to conduct special operations.
The thaboura's history stretches back to the Byzantine culture and originated in the medieval Greece times.
The history of Andacollo Parish School originates in the beginning of the 20th century in the midst many social questions.
Though public history originated in the AHA it separated out in the 1930s due to differences in methodology, focus, and purpose.
The history of the Reserve originates with the Anhalt Environmental Protection Law of 1923.
The family's history in banking originated with caravan trade between Alexandria and Constantinople during the Ottoman Empire.
Finally, linguistic and archaeological evidence suggests that the history of the Polynesian people does not originate in the east Pacific, but in the west.
The history of the company originated in the late 19th century when Moscow postal telegraph district was initiated.
Its history originated from an aged care hostel provided to accommodate 64 ex-servicemen that opened in Taringa, Queensland in 1938.