Oral history from the town's old-time residents stated that before the Spanish colonization, the present site of the Poblacion was already inhabited.
The official Chinese history of the war states that Nehru was planning to create a "great Indian empire".
Even official histories state that it was sunk.
Mark Lay's history of the band states they formed around 1962 and were initially known as Unit 4.
"The major problems concerned with aircraft ferrying had been largely solved," states the official history of the Air Transport Command.
Anecdotal history stated that the Lincoln Administration had offered the property back to the Confederate general during the war.
The oral history states the town was founded by Randriambololona and children.
In 2006, the website's official history stated that it had grown to host an active community of filmmakers and a directory of "hundreds of films".
However, its modern history stated in 1947 with the establishment of Pakistan.
On the American side, the American official history stated that 14 were killed and 65 more wounded.