He hadn't swayed the crew as Kirk had intended, although Lorelei had highly praised the diplomat's histrionic abilities.
By the 1930s, Scotti's voice had declined considerably but he retained his place on the Met's roster of singers due to his outstanding histrionic ability.
It was a hell of a strain on my histrionic abilities," he admitted; "but, say, Old Timer, you didn't fool anybody much, yourself.
Only Lanchester's charm "made it bearable with her unique histrionic abilities."
Oratory was, therefore, a strenuous business, and one which required a keen imagination, more than ordinary intelligence, and considerable histrionic ability.
As he will have only ignorant natives and wild beasts to deceive it should not tax his histrionic ability too greatly.
A little later, the same Castaneda would tell us that Don Juan used to make reference to his histrionic abilities.
It was a tribute to die histrionic abilities of the experts and diplomats on the scene that not one of them was laughing out loud.
The young actor was deeply impressed by Sisir Kumar's histrionic abilities and he got heavily involved with several amateur theatrical clubs.
She quietly polished her histrionic abilities and developed a mannered but effectively unique style of acting.