Conversations with one's children are extremely predictable, especially as they hit adolescence; there cannot be a parent out there who doesn't know this one:
Nowadays, they hit adolescence much earlier; estimates range from 11 to six, depending on which paper you take your anxiety levels from.
Discipline - or, to use today's more popular phrase, setting limits - takes on a whole new meaning when your child hits adolescence.
Her mom went through boyfriends the way kids go through paper towels, and some of them made Julie feel less than comfortable once she hit adolescence.
Once girls hit adolescence, however, the story begins to change.
Setting limits takes on a whole new meaning when your child hits adolescence.
The child, named Tommy in the new novel, has hit adolescence.
What remains unknown is whether the boys, who ranged from ages six to 12, will continue their progress as they hit adolescence.
When they hit adolescence they make Seymour Britchky seem warmhearted.
"I thought little boys were supposed to grow out of trying to make people sick once they hit adolescence!"