His staff shattered at the blow, exploded into splinters, and he hit the ground amid a brief light rain of wood slivers.
She fell over a table, lost her balance and hit the floor amid an avalanche of bric-a-brac.
Stocks of companies in the waste-hauling business were hard hit, amid reports of various state and Federal investigations into pricing practices.
On Saturday around 77th Street, a man, 30, was hit in the left leg amid a fusillade of five to six shots.
He is more likely to hit a driving, off-balance number amid a sea of defenders than anything from the outside.
He hit the ground rolling, amid chaos and screams.
He saw it hit the ground down there, amid the weeds, and then he turned and walked heavily back to the Lincoln.
Flash memory for mobile phones has been an area of business particularly hard hit amid the sharp slowdown in handset demand.
Two energy torpedoes hit the destroyer amid ships at point blank range.
Short-term Treasury prices were hit hard amid more reports that the Fed was leaning toward higher short-term rates.