We hit our Year 1 distribution goal by the end of the first month.
"They're running out of money, and if tourism doesn't hit by the end of December, everybody is going to be in bad shape."
Unemployment, already at 11.9 percent, is forecast to hit between 17 and 19 percent by the end of this year.
Supposedly it should hit the market by the end of the year.
Still, Mr. Johnson says the stock could hit $50 by the end of the year if the company lives up to its potential.
Q: Sammy said you would hit 70 by the end of the year.
The bullish analysts think it could hit $20 by the end of the year.
Economists warn that it could hit a new high of more than 3,500,000 by the end of this year.
It should hit the stands by the end of the week.
And the gross Federal debt is projected to hit $4.5 trillion by the end of fiscal 1993.