Furthermore the hits for these targets can be used as a starting point for drug discovery.
While the story is sung in French, several English-language hits of the 1960s are used to illustrate the memories.
When he entered the N.F.L. draft last year, several teams wanted to move Henderson from cornerback to safety, where his hits could be used against the run.
His "Do not be sad" hit was used as a songtrack for the "Nu Pogodi" Soviet animated film series.
The hit single "Genkai Lovers" was used for a Shell campaign and became their best known song.
The disadvantage was that the original hit single was not used but instead a lesser version.
The hits from these screens are then used as starting points for drug discovery.
In December 2012 their hit single "Everybody Talks" was used in the advert for the new series of The Love Machine.
Low-power hits like the Baltimore Chop, developed in the 1890s by the Baltimore Orioles, were used to get on base.
The guitar version became a worldwide hit single when it was used as the theme tune to the Oscar-winning film The Deer Hunter (1978).