A well-aimed hit from the left flipper can send the ball safely back into the intermediate screen.
The Imperial's screens turned yellow, then green; as they cooled back toward red another hit sent them through green to blue.
The hit also sent Hudson to the dugout.
What does it mean when a perfectly legal hit - one that could have caused permanent injury - sends a player to the hospital?
Then another car hits him; this time the hit occurs straight on and sends him flying a couple of feet.
Another hit sends the ball heading for Godfrey who fails to catch it.
The hit punched a hole in the wall, and sent Sacks flipping.
This second hit propelled Edwards's car higher and sent him flying straight into the catch fence.
She made it to all fours but another hit sent her pitching forward.
His next hit sent a slow rolling ground ball up the first base line, which appeared to be an easy to field situation.