The arrow hit solidly, denting the armor plate and driving through, but not so deep as to cause any serious wound.
It hit solidly on the shallow far rise and plowed to a stop.
I kicked out, both feet hitting solidly in the rat.
Even better, he often made the batter swing at a pitch he could not hit solidly.
My heel hit solidly against his shoulder, but he only missed a step and came on.
With experience, Hernández became known as a catcher who could solidly hit, mentor young pitchers and had steady defense.
He felt the brass knuckles hit solidly and then slide, slippery on bloody, torn flesh.
Any of the attackers that he managed to hit solidly fell dead or crippled from the air at once.
Sanders was far too quick for defenders to hit solidly on a consistent basis, and too strong to bring down with arm tackles.