By buying only the hit tracks and ignoring the rest of the album, storage needs drop by 90 percent.
She also gave out a video to the hit track "Ever been had?"
Recently, the station has broadened their playlists to include the 90s and current popular hit tracks.
Kushi was a hit track that sold over a million copies in India and Denmark.
But nothing differentiates an artist like a hit track.
She published a comprehensive album that includes hit tracks from 4 full-length albums and new songs in 2005.
He co-wrote the hit track "Weak", which has since been covered by Rod Stewart.
Her sixth album "Kiusatus" released in May 2011 and included a hit track "Tule-tule" which also has a video.
Each one sounded like a hit track.
In that re-made album some of the hit tracks of the debut Banned Version 1.0 were remastered.