Unlike the Charleston area, where the hurricane hit with 135-mile-per-hour winds, few people in Charlotte were left homeless.
As of December 29, the storm has hit the Solomon Islands with strong winds and heavy rain.
The hurricane hit Barbados with winds possibly over 200 mph (320 km/h).
Tomas hit the islands on Saturday with winds of over 75 miles per hour and some communities remain cut off by the disaster.
It said those storms hit with winds of more than 60 miles per hour.
They were beginning to estimate that certain areas had been hit with winds raging over two hundred miles an hour.
At the night of October 24, the storm hardly hit Cebu with rain and winds.
The gale, on the night of Oct. 15, was the worst to hit England in decades, with winds of up to 100 miles an hour.
The storm hit Louisiana as a Category One hurricane with winds between 90 and 100 miles an hour.
Additionally on January 26, the worst blizzard in the city's history hit with winds exceeding 100 miles an hour.