Israeli attack helicopters strafed retreating guerrillas after the hit-and-run assaults and an undetermined number of guerrillas were wounded, said the officials.
Pale flashlight beams and Jeep headlights provided sparse illumination as his men attempted to recover from the hit-and-run assault.
As loggers penetrated deeper into the interior, they encountered the elusive natives, who responded with hit-and-run assaults on the encroaching axmen.
"A thousand hit-and-run assaults on cities, villages, and farms, from one end of the country to the other, would put us in Pretoria by Christmas."
The guerrillas also occasionally launch attacks in Lima and other cities along the coast, where the majority of Peruvians live, conducting hit-and-run assaults and dynamiting electrical substations.
Paul Salem, director of the Carnegie Middle East Center, has accused it of terror for its "hit-and-run" assaults on civilian areas.
They might have access to more firepower, but Valdez planned a hit-and-run assault that would last only scant minutes.
Well, here is a self-defense manual that promises to put an end to hit-and-run assaults on the garden and even the bird feeder.
They can't decide where to fight or who to salute; they excel mainly at hit-and-run assaults, often on civilian targets, sometimes hospitals and children.
They are staging nighttime attacks on police posts and hit-and-run assaults on American convoys.