His strength throughout the war lay in his hit-and-run tactics.
A drive-by is a form of hit-and-run tactic, a personal attack carried out by an individual or individuals from a moving vehicle.
During the summer of 1919, he fought successfully against the Greek troops usually with hit-and-run tactics.
They used the sea for their hit-and-run tactics - a safe place to retreat to if the battle turned against them.
Government officials point out that it is difficult to eradicate a determined terrorist group using hit-and-run tactics over a 7,000-square-mile area.
The Germans' hard, fast, hit-and-run tactics were taking their toll.
But the field was now too tight for their hit-and-run tactics to be used to full effect.
These raids used quick hit-and-run tactics and were called bargis.
The Mujahideen were better suited to fight in small groups, using hit-and-run tactics.
Already, the rebels have shown that their hit-and-run tactics are hard to stop.