It must have, I concluded, since I now began to hear shocking guttural murmurs from that hitherto silent direction.
The unity of our gathering thus demonstrated, a hitherto silent member of the crowd was encouraged to speak.
With amazing suddenness the matter came to a vote-and the law was terminated by a massive, hitherto silent, majority.
You see it was from a sense of duty that she has been silent hitherto.
"The man is laughing at us," cries one of the hitherto silent assassins.
Piruusi, hitherto silent, came to Shef and pointed.
Like a magnet, Heartland has drawn a hitherto silent, oppressed minority with no navel rings or pierced tongues.
The memory seemed to pluck some string of emotion in him that had been hitherto silent.
The statement came from Lamont Cranston, hitherto silent.
The hitherto silent soldier muttered, "And our commands say no one comes in tonight."