Baris called a hoarse order and the ramp began to lower.
The quick hoarse order had come from Coco.
Three dark shapes sprang back in startlement; one gave a hoarse order, and a beam of intense white light flooded forth to blind Gersen.
As his foot touched the gangway there was the hoarse order, the clump and crash of the marines presenting arms, and every officer's hat flew off; and as he stepped upon the quarterdeck he raised his own.
There was a chorus of frightened cries, sailors rushed to and fro, the engine-room bells rang violently, and the captain and mates shouted hoarse orders.
The hoarse orders that Cardona shouted were brisk but adequate.
Then the Ralarth 'Wares fired on Dunan's hoarse order.
The hoarse orders of a voice he recognized.
At Lug's hoarse order, they came surging from the casket.
He shouted a hoarse order, and his seamen worked swiftly and silently, heightening the bulwarks and strengthening them.