Here, I'm referring to the hockey fight, and more specifically, the hockey fight that takes place between two tough guys.
For this reason, the majority of a hockey fight consists of the players holding on with one hand and punching with the other.
Some local sportscasters believe that unless they show a hockey fight on television every night, people won't be able to fall asleep.
We've always felt this way, given how often they put themselves in harm's way during hockey fights.
The Armonk school board reacted with resistance because they had heard all the horror stories about hockey fights.
Whenever you see a sports segment on the local news, you invariably see a hockey fight.
So when impressionable college kids see hockey fights, they immediately get big ideas.
Danger of Injuries And even though a hockey fight is probably safer than the average play in professional football, players can get injured.
Even for hockey fights, this one was unusual.
That is the most benign aspect of a hockey fight.