And held on to maman's hand, because maman was following the azi down the long row.
But one needed to hold the bar in thick gloves, because liquid air could drip off if one were not careful.
Doubtless that held good, because the society of the "Waldeck" did not suit it.
Carl's father was still on the bench, and still holding a grudge because his son did not return to practice law in the family firm.
"Our lines are holding firmly despite all this, and because of it," he declared.
He opened the door and held it for me, because this close to the ardeur, it wasn't always good that I was driving.
He laughed, trying to hold it in because the shaking hurt his arm.
Selene tries to hold Ethais back, because her love for him, though embittered, still burns.
Still, despite concerted efforts, "Aeros" didn't quite hold together - possibly because no one person held the reins.
What, would you hold your hand on a battlefield, because your enemy's girth broke?