Besi held little communication with any of them except the old grandmother, resenting the way they sponged off Odim's good nature.
The theory is built on the notion, an organization is not seen as a physical unit holding communication.
Does not this give us the impression that one soul holds communication with another?
This would include databases to hold the data, security, exception handling, and communication between processes or programs.
Florence left alone, laid her head upon her hand, and pressing the other over her swelling heart, held free communication with her sorrows.
Burbank, alone, held direct communication with The Shadow.
The antique desk held modern communication and data equipment, and what she concluded, after a puzzled study, was an old silver inkwell and quill.
Ray had always been a man of few words, but his silence had always before held deep communication.
"The new man - Vincent - held communication with some one in the town of Lake Marrinack."
Yet, of one thing I had become almost convinced: the Siwanois, while we slept, met and held communication with somebody outside our camp.