David watched her go, wondering as he often did what the future would hold for her and her family.
Your emotions are stronger, you feel deeply the love you hold for your family.
My grandfather did not hold members of other families to different standards than the standards he held for our family.
This facade of honor is coated with many other decorative elements that celebrate the exceptional love she held for her family.
But the same amazement could be held for Quinn and his family.
These sea-centaurs were thought of to be peaceful water-dwelling creatures; they tend to hold great value for their family and friends.
Soon after word of his death spread, several fund raisers were held for his family by area street performers and members of the local community.
Anaquod died in 2011 before the film's completion; a private screening of the film was held for his family.
Whatever it takes, I'll hold him here for his family.
A public benefit was then later held for his already impoverished family.