For funds held in taxable accounts, it is best to choose a fund with turnover of less than 25 percent.
A portion of Romney's financial assets are held in offshore accounts and investments.
I'm to hold only the land, the buildings, and the liquid assets, in untouchable accounts.
There is no need for large storage capacity because books can be held in online accounts and downloaded when read.
Holdings are held in allocated accounts and valued daily at the London fixing price.
If they hold their wealth in interest-bearing accounts, they will take home $50 million a year or $137,000 a day for doing nothing.
Those payments are held in special accounts controlled by the state Comptroller.
This lets clients avoid particular stocks that they may already hold in other accounts.
They are held in digital accounts and never live in paper form.
Assets held in accounts subscribing to this service rose 30 percent last year through November, to $4.8 billion.