It was absolutely new to me: I have never held a job in my life, except for one summer working in a gas station.
The series of jobs a person holds in their life is their career.
Jews held a place of prominence in the country's economic, social, and political life.
Why, I never held an administrative position in my life.
Perhaps he had held so many women in his life, he was indifferent to one more.
This was the only public political office he ever held in his life.
This held true in our private life, which was a long one, lasting 44 years.
The old man's thin arms, that looked as if they might never have held a weapon before in all his life, reached out.
The white man's mouth was clamped shut as though he were holding in his life.
She could give a refuge, even to this child of the Warrens, who'd probably never been held in his life.