After the Democratic National Convention, he held a huge 33-point lead over Ford in the polls.
It held the number one spot in the polls on numerous occasions.
It held the number one spot in the polls on numerous occasions and won all but two WCC regular-season titles from 1972 to 1982.
That sort of argument may be a reason the Democrat has held a narrow lead in the polls for months.
Tulsa held the number one ranking in the polls for part of the 1972 season before being knocked out of that year's playoffs at the district level.
Shortly before the general election of 1990, the governing Liberals held a solid lead in the polls, though their popularity had tailed off from 1987.
Reynolds held a small lead in the polls until the Mark Foley scandal broke at the end of September.
And for months, he held a commanding lead in the polls.
Incumbent President Bill Clinton held a comfortable lead in the polls throughout this entire election cycle due to the good economy and stable international situation.
It held the number-one spot in the polls on numerous occasions.