Despite many requests from Community Board 2, it never held a hearing on the plan, which did not require any special city approval to move forward.
The agency held hearings on the plan, but none of the proposed consolidations was ever implemented.
Democrats asserted that the Republicans' strategy was apparent in their decision to hold a single day of hearings on the plan, on Friday.
Instead, she added, the state will hold hearings on the plan.
Ms. Lau said her committee hoped to hold extensive hearings on the plan.
This fall, the City Planning Commission will hold hearings on the plan and make changes.
The law requires that public hearings be held on the plan before the department can begin construction of exploratory shafts.
The company filed a plan of reorganization last year and is scheduled to hold hearings on the plan in February.
The City Council held a hearing on the newly-unveiled plan on November 16.
In addition, the Assembly will hold hearings on the plan before the control board acts.