Being the oldest son of Cronus, he holds much resentment and anger towards his father.
She holds resentment toward Mustang but it is speculated that she forgives him to some extent.
However, Meeks has claimed to empathize with their actions and not hold resentment.
Ever since then, Mystique has held great resentment toward Xavier, which in turn makes her loyal to Magneto.
Mirabeau defended his own cause in this trial but lost, holding resentment against Portalis forever.
Saki holds resentment for Rikka, and came to the past to kill him.
Holdovers from the 1935 team still held resentment toward Rogell and his Tiger teammates.
It hadn't held resentment, or anger, or bitterness .
He seems to hold no ill feelings or resentment towards Dragon for his kidnapping.
Ingrid's voice held resentment: Why Lucy and not her?