Though in practice no Universal Monarchy ever held rule over the whole world, it may have appeared to many people, particularly pre-modern, that it did.
"Unless it is made larger, King, so large and wide that she who wears it holds rule over all the earth."
The temptation was irresistible: to sit in the high box at the arena, to occupy the royal seat and to hold ultimate rule.
They were going toward the places where decadent and evil life held rule.
This line held formal rule until the Revolutions of 1848, and maintained effective ownership of Gleinstätten (and were frequently elected to public offices) until 1870.
But you need not fear in this country, your brothers hold complete rule - " A colony of Espers!
And how might one wander into those wilds, where the outlaws now held almost complete rule, on such a searching?
Many believed that the "Nine Partners" were holding unfair rule over the region through the use of extortion and threats of violence.
The Fugger family, which held rule over centuries, promoted the local barchent weaving mill and made Weißenhorn into a flourishing commercial town.
Twenty months he will hold rule with great force, a tyrant, cruel, giving way to one worse.