They will hold 32 rental apartments, 2 to a floor.
It holds 220 apartments for them, not all affected by the court decision.
On the five-building development's east side, a 14-story building will hold 240 apartments, he said.
The wings will hold 470 apartments, a fifth of which will go to middle-income residents.
Located behind Hillside Place, this large complex holds 350 apartments.
The top twelve floors hold 96 apartments, with the lower ten used as a Premier Lodge hotel.
The buildings originally held 352 apartments; the number is currently 389.
Each side held two stores and five apartments.
Inherited from her mother, Elizabeth, who died in 1991, the building holds 24 apartments and decades of dense familial associations.
In a city with such a terrible lead problem, finally you've got two lousy houses, holding seven apartments.